Every country has that one prop..

THE FOOD!!….. Ooooh, oooooh the oh so delicious coconut ice-cream. The coconut ice-cream, the cafe con leche’s, the amazing breakfast array of eggs, fruit, cheese, bread coffee and cookies I could have lived off of. They may not have a lot, but what a surprise that they make the best out of what they do have. Mmmmm

Every country has that one prop..



Phobia of public toilets?...

Do you cringe every time you have to use a public washroom?…I want to hear about it!

I used to think I had a phobia or ‘dislike’ of public washrooms. We seem to go by this popular saying in our culture ‘you don’t know what you’ve got til it’s gone’…

Canadian public washrooms are luxurious facilities I will never again accuse them of anything but. Beg to differ?

Phobia of public toilets?…


DSCF6460Are these what the School Buses look like in your hometown?…

DSCF6935Did you call a taxi? Hopefully the driver won’t have anger issues that he takes out on his much-too-skinny horse.

DSCF7104Ok, sometimes they ARE fortunate enough to run into an old Russian car from before the Special Period… but you know it’s going to need gas, or some kind of super Cuban mechanic expertise (I’ve come to the conclusion that they must have the best mechanics in the world… have you seen these cars, and what they have to work with? and oohhh baby do those engines purr!)

DSCF7423 DSCF7428


As seen in most of my posts from Cuba thus far, a huge part of their reality is making do with what they’ve got. Since the Revolution this country has been under the ‘charismatic’ reign of Field Castro for, what’s unimaginable to us, an astounding 55 years, but being Cubans of course they embrace him too and for the most part I don’t think they even want change. Once Cuba entered the “Special Period” in the 80’s/early 90’s and the assistance from Russian they had been largely reliant on was no longer available, their resources diminished and though they’ve improved, Cuba has yet to make a full sustainable recovery. Of course you can imagine what they all feel about it “es major que nada…” and they say it when a sincere smile, one rarely seen around the busy hustle and bustle of these city streets. Interesting who in human nature we seem to need to go without, in order to appreciate the most mundane things like a smile from a stranger? Hmm…

I’ve gone on a minor tangent, again, this post is about transportation in Cuba. Oooops….. but really, in Canada we’re all torn up and “having a bad day” if our car breaks down on runs out of guess, heck we feel put out if we have to stand on the damn luxurious bus that has FREE WIFI!!! Do you know how much WiFi costs per hour in Cuba?… AND what these locations are like… They certainly make the best of what they have; but is this why they have it? (I’d love to hear your thoughts on that…)


C. xoxo

Limo for one, please..


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOne of the most remarkable things about this country is the obvious ability that everyone there possesses to make do with what they have. They use rain water for the plants, bicycles for cars, and old wine bottles for toys. As the popular local saying goes, “Es mejor que nada.”

Toys for Boys…. in Cuba


Listen to the music...

There’s nothing to make you fall in love with Cuba like all the sweet Spanish serenading… ‘Déjame cantar una cancíon’

Listen to the music…


One Love

I returned to this same home in Holguin one week later. Anxious to creep up the family’s old rickety stairs leading to the rooftop, imagine how much my heart melted to see this!…

Also, the puppy had noticeably grown. I see Linda’s been sharing her slops, too..

One Love


DSCF7875As a Canadian citizen, the treatment of animals on my recent trip to Cuba was… overwhelming to say the least. As a dog lover, it was unfathomable to see all these dogs with no homes. Having dinner one night in a quaint local Cuban home in Holguin, they brought us to the roof top to meet their dog Linda (the beige, larger dog). They explained that their neighbours son had brought home this puppy and were allowing it to live on their roof, but weren’t really caring for it… and he had no name. My even bigger fear, would Linda accept this stray pup and care for her as her own, or continue this hostile behaviour?

The puppy with no name..




“Freedom” something we come to realize has such a different meaning, to different people. Watching this Bob Marley ‘Freedom’ flag blow through the wind in the sun on a beach in Cuba (running the risk of someone thinking you’re trying to start an anti-revolutionary movement) really provides you the opportunity to reconsider the meaning of ‘Freedom’ you’ve always known as a Canadian citizen, and what it may mean for a Cuban citizen in a more defeatist society. Wherever we are in the world, ‘Freedom’ should be the right to act, speak, or even think as one wants without hindrance or restraint. And as Bob Marley once said, “Better to die fighting for freedom then be a prisoner all the days of your life.”


Nighttime Princess of Gibara

This sweet little princess enjoys a live music event on a Saturday night out with her Momma, downtown Gibara, Cuba.

Nighttime Princess of Gibara
